Saturday, April 21, 2007


I actually woke my husband up when I started coughing out of control at 4:00 this morning. He got up and started coffee. I tried to go back to sleep, but realized it was no use when I almost threw up from coughing so hard. I should probably go to the doc.
Well I got up and started reading my Western Horseman back issues. There was an article in there about foundation QH. I was trying to determine if I should spend the extra bucks to register my horse foundation bred. After reading the article I have even more questions.
My DH invited me to go down to the shooting range with him to set up and wait for his "Man Group" to show up for their monthly survival retreat. I agreed even though it was raining. I spend time with him whenever I can. Much to my dismay there was already a man waiting for us. Arrrgg. Oh well, just gives me an excuse to leave early and work on My tack room. Ahhh My tack room. I emphasize the word My because not to long ago it wasn't mine.

When we were first married and the barn belonged to my in laws it was just a storage place for everything that needed to go to the dump, but too much of a pain to take there. My tack room was just a dream in a corner of the barn where an old grain bin was stored. Well much to my in-laws dismay we bought a horse in foal. We cleaned out some of the barn, rebuilt a stall, built some pasture and started on My tack room. My father-in-law designed the tack room with my husbands help and together they built it.
I pictured a room with bare walls, where I could hang all my headstalls and the like, a couple of saddle stands and maybe a trunk to store stuff. I was kept a way from My tack room, until it was all finished. My DH would come home after work and head to the barn ,complaining if I wanted some attention. Once I was sternly told to leave him alone if I wanted My tack room finished. Of course my feelings were hurt. He told me he made some modifcations so he could keep some "stuff" in there too. Well I wasn't against sharing I just couldn't wait to put my tack in my very own tack room exactly where I wanted it.
Finally the time came. Mind you I was 9 months pregnant and a little emotional, but when I opened the door I wanted to scream. I couldn't even hide my dissappointment. The big wall was covered in shelving the next had a makeshift closet on it, the next was a high counter with shelves and my part of My tack room made for me was about 4 ft of wall that the door opened on to. There behind the door was my saddle stand and some nails pounded in the wall for a few of my headstalls. Needless to say My tack room turned into a "Man Room" for hunting accesories and tools. I was made to feel ungreatful and the room was officially taken over.

Fast forward a few years and we now own the house with the barn. The "Man Room" has moved to the basement and My tack room turned into a barn catch-all. I had to share with an in-law for a while, but today I have reclaimed it. It was built for me and it shall be mine ALL MINE.
I cleared the stuff out and have begun to paint the miss matched ply wood walls white. Then it came to me. I ran to the store to get some PURPLE paint for the shelving. It matches MY tack.

At the store I locked my keys in the car and had to call my DH for help, then I had to go get the kids from Grandmas and now I have to go feed my vets horses. The purple paint will have to wait until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Grow Garden Grow

Pin Cushion Flower Purple Cone Flower Bee Balm Fox Glove Irish Eyes Yarrow
Shasta Daisy Bell Pepper Mix Anaheim Chili Banana Pepper Brandy Wine Tomato
Early Girl Tomato Black Pineapple Tomato Jubilee Tomato Zinnias Cosmos Bachelor Buttons Delphiniums Black-eyed Susans Onions Snap Peas Peas Holly Hocks Sweet Peas Sweet Onions Romaine Lettuce

These are my seedlings that have come up so far.

Still Raining

The view off our deck. This is why I picked the name love-in-a-mist and I like the flowers too.

My New Rose Garden

Tiffany * Shreveport * Gold Medal * First Prize * Paul Neyron
Iceberg * Camelot * New Day * Chicago Peace * Peace * Iceburg
Heirloom * Pristine * Playboy * Oueen Elizabeth * Sun Flare * Angel Face

I terraced a slope in our backyard into 3 stairs. Here's what I planted and inbetween is purple catmint. I can't wait to see everything blooming. The purple roses are actually fuchsia and iceburg of course is white.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Best Husband Ever

YEAH!!!! He's making me planter boxes for my vegi garden!!! So far he's finished 2. I can't wait to get started. This means I'll get the pickett fence around it too. HeeHaw!! lol


This is BuckWheat. He's a French Lop given to us by a fellow rabbit breeder. He probably weighs 15 lbs. We bred him yesterday to our New Zealand doe named Dandelion. After that litter we will breed him to Daffodil. That pairing should be some BIG babies. After that I am sad to say my hubby will start butchering. We do have 2 people who want bunnies though, so not everyone will have the same fate. I am still looking into rabbit meat to sell for dog and cat food. After this first meat processing, I will know better what to expect and how to go about selling it.


5 baby turkeys hatched in February. 3 bronzes and 2 whites. So far it is looking like a Tom and 4 hens, but only time will tell. I'm trying to talk hubby into keeping a breeding pair so we can be more self sufficient. The hens last year started laying eggs in the Fall and sitting on them. We also have a better pen this year to keep a Tom from harrassing the children. It just might work.
New chicks we've had for a few days. The activites leader at the local nursing home got them for the residents to enjoy, than gave them to us. She said they are sex link pullets. I'm not exactly sure how I am going to incorporate them into my flock, though. Everyone else is full grown. Hopefully there won't be any problems.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Here's our lambies. We got the 2 little ones the first day they were born then the black one a week later. They are all about 3 weeks old. All are triplet's from different mothers. The black one was the largest of his siblings and the other two were runts. I let my daughter name them, meet Midnight, Flower, and Bambi. Flower has her head through the fence. We are down to 2 bottle feedings a day, thank goodness. All are fat and happy, starting to eat grass.
After studying all the pictures of rabbit gentials I could find on the internet I have determined that Daffodil had 3 does and 1 buck the other one got lost in the mess of white fur. I did discover something else though, there are 2 bunnies with gray noses and tails, both are does.

Our first live bunnies from our Californian doe, "Daffodil" and New Zealand buck, "Car Car"(named by my son, of course)
Daffodil had 5 healthy babies, with no mishaps this time. All are pure white, except one has a little bit of gray on it's nose and tail. I haven't sexed them yet.
We bred her Feburary 20th and she had them the night of March 22. She didn't kindle until the night of the birth.
I took the nesting box out when the bunnies were 16 days old. This picture was taken on Easter.

Rain,Rain, Go Away

Rain. It's the only problem with western Oregon. I know, I know without the rain Oregon wouldn't be so beautiful, but I am so ready for warm sunny days. Bring on the SUN! I have so much work to do outside. With every rainy day the list gets longer and longer.